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With a current count of 531 members (0 members online right now), "VF" is the premier online investment discussion and collaboration community for serious value and income investors. With over 125 discussion topics, a stock ratings system with over 1000 rated stocks, quarterly and year-long stock picking contests, group polls, shared portfolios, a group calendar system, and other online collaboration tools, membership at VF lets you tap into a stream of investment ideas and discussions from extraordinarily sharp individual investors just like yourself, and test your own ideas against peer review by the community.

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       "ValueForum is the gold standard, valuable because of the exceptional people who post here, and because the best of them are candid, detailed and informed. There is little tolerance for the b.s. found on public boards, and management and members are vigilant and aggressive about TOS violations. VF is the gold standard."
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Unlike the large free public investment sites, ValueForum.com verifies the true identity of each paying member by running their credit card. This means each participant has true and full accountability for their actions, we have true ability to permanently block Terms of Use abusers from the community, and true ability to enforce our "no-alias policy" -- at ValueForum you'll never have to wonder whether you are talking to various aliases of the same person. By contrast, at free public sites that require merely a working email address to join, it can be impossible to stop the same person from establishing multiple accounts and using those extra accounts for nefarious purposes.

Because ValueForum is supported by revenues from membership fees, not only can you rest assured that our company will keep the site running for years to come, every page of our site is designed and maintained with our members in mind and what is most convenient to them, as opposed to advertiser-supported sites focused primarily on generating the most page views, optimizing their pages for advertisements instead of content, and squeezing as much ad revenue from each page as possible even if that means big annoying flashing banners. At ValueForum, we listen to our members and are constantly adding and improving site features to maximize member satisfaction. Plus, you'll benefit from offers and discounts we negotiate on behalf of the community.

As a private stock picking community, ValueForum members collaborate only with one another, not the entire public, and members are not permitted to redistribute (copy/paste etc.) the work of other members outside of the VF community (violators forfeit membership). Full messages and stock ratings are readable by members-only, creating an environment that encourages discussion and debate and discourages those seeking to "pump," "bash," or "spam" (at VF, such bad behavior forfeits membership). The "riff-raff" are instead attracted to free public sites that provide the largest possible public audience (an audience which includes search engines that crawl, index, and store pages). At ValueForum, non-member visitors, including search engines, are not permitted to read full messages or stock ratings. "What gets posted to ValueForum stays on ValueForum."

As a guest, you may only access the ''headlines'' to each post designated ''members only'', but may not view the full text of a post. Messages are also posted privately between smaller groups of members. When you Join ValueForum ($$), you are granted full member access to read ''members only'' posts, and send and receive private messages.

A 24-Hour Trial pass may be purchased for $5.99 to sample what ValueForum has to offer; a 3-Month pass may be purchased for $99.99; a 6-Month pass may be purchased for $169.99, and a 12-Month pass may be purchased for $299.99. Your purchase may be tax-deductible as an investment expense -- always consult your accountant for tax-related questions.

As a guest, feel free to read the message headlines in the discussion forum to get a sense of the topics currently under discussion, view the group polls (although poll results are visible to members only), and see what stocks the members have rated strong buy - strong sell in the Stock Ratings area.

To take a tour of VF and what our site has to offer, feel free to take the VF walkthrough. Also, read through "Guidance & Testimonial" messages from existing members, with helpful information you should know as a new member.

Email us at info@valueforum.com should you have any questions, or call us at 516-605-2277 and we'll be glad to chat.

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"ValueForum is an active, private, online discussion community for stock & bond market investing. In discussion forums divided into finely grained topics, you will find sophisticated investors trading tips, research, and due diligence on value stocks, income investments, forex, market news, and more. Join in - trade ideas, strategies, current news, via our unique message bulletin boards, stock ratings system, and other online tools specifically geared toward our community."

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