The results are in over the last ten months.

TradeDate Mth Beg $ %Mdelta % delta M % SP500 % SP500 SP500 IVV

2014Nov26 25000.00

2014Dec24 25276.82 1.11% 1.11% 0.40% 0.40% 209.51
2015Jan21 26082.01 3.19% 4.33% -3.15% -2.76% 202.92
2015Feb25 25085.83 -3.82% 0.34% 5.05% 2.15% 213.16
2015Mar25 24634.29 -1.80% -1.46% -2.13% -0.02% 208.62
2015Apri22 24794.62 0.65% -0.82% 1.39% 1.36% 211.51
2015May20 24122.24 -2.71% -3.51% 1.41% 2.79% 214.49
2015June24 23311.69 -3.36% -6.75% -0.73% 2.04% 212.93
2015July22 24251.24 4.03% -3.00% -0.15% 1.89% 212.62
2015Aug26 25603.59 5.58% 2.41% -9.95% -8.24% 191.47
2015Sept23 25185.62 -1.63% 0.74% 2.55% -5.90% 196.36

As you can see, the fund is +.75% over that period, whereas the the SP500 IVV is  -5.90%.

The Paleo approach is an autopilot system that can easily be programed into a computer. All is needed is a human to authorize the monthly rebalance in your brokerage account- which can be any trustworthy person.

In response to many questions, you do NOT have to be on a Paleo diet to run the system.

The term "Paleo" refers to the simplicity factor- even if you are an unfrozen cavemen investor originally from the Paleolithic age, you can understand and work this system.

I anticipate disclosing the workings of this black box system to selected members of Value Forum sometime in the future.